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Video: Francis deSouza Speaks at the 16th Annual Precision Medicine World Conference

A discussion about the current and future state of genomics with Twist Bioscience’s Emily Leproust

Francis deSouza Speaks at the 16th Annual Precision Medicine World Conference
2019년 2월 13일

Recently, Francis de Souza, President and CEO of Illumina, Inc. spoke at the Personalized Medicine World Conference in Silicon Valley to discuss the adoption of clinical genomics, the future of genomics and how Illumina is helping advance science, transform medicine, and impact lives. He was interviewed by Emily Leproust, Ph.D., CEO of Twist Biosciences, who was an early pioneer in high-throughput synthesis and DNA sequencing.

Genomics is going to have the most profound impact of anything I've seen in my lifetime.

*Photo courtesy of Precision Medicine World Conference

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