Infinium Methylation: Introduction to GenomeStudio analysis and BeadArray Controls Reporter

2 August 2021

This is an introduction to the Illumina Infinium Methylation Assay, GenomeStudio and BeadArray Controls. Whether you are new to these tools or would just like a refresher, this video will provide you with an overview of the methylation process and details on the Illumina tools that will help you in your workflow. Topics covered will include: - Methylation and Bisulfite Conversion - Basic overview of methylation and the relationship to cytosines. - How to generate a GenomeStudio Methylation Module project using GenomeStudio v 2011.1, including options for normalization and analysis - Evaluating built-in assay controls using the GenomeStudio Controls Dashboard and Bead Array Controls Reporter (BACR) - Data visualization tools in GenomeStudio #Illumina #GenomeStudio #Infinium

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