NovaSeq X Series ordering
Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional sequencing speed and data quality, outstanding throughput, and scalability.
An interactive omics knowledge base and data search engine that puts private data into biological context with highly curated public omics data.
Correlation Engine is one of the largest biological databases in the world, providing life science researchers with unprecedented access to vast numbers of high-quality omics scale analyses and insightful scientific tools. The knowledge base enables novel discoveries by interrogating billions of data points derived from standardized analyses of omics studies. A proprietary algoritm automates and simplifies correlation analysis, finding comparable insights by scanning private data and thousands of public data sets."
Correlation Engine offers:
Instruments | MiSeq System, NextSeq 550 System, NextSeq 2000 System, NextSeq 1000 System, MiSeqDx in Research Mode, MiniSeq System, NextSeq 550Dx in Research Mode, NovaSeq X System, NextSeq 500 System, iScan System, NovaSeq 6000 System, NovaSeq X Plus System |
Software format | Cloud |
Technology | Microarray, Sequencing |
ISO 27001 Certified by Schellman
Illumina has received ISO 27001 certification of its information security management system (ISMS) supporting Correlation Engine. This certification ensures that sensitive data contained or collected by these solutions are protected. The certification was performed by Schellman, an ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited certification body based in the US.
ISO 27701 Certified by Schellman
Correlation Engine is compliant with global and local data privacy and requirements with 27701:2019 certification.
Correlation Engine features multiple system controls that you can use to manage authorization, authentication, and data control, including deletion as needed. Access logs are retained for seven years. These features help researchers ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
Correlation Engine delivers an easy-to-use interactive genomics analysis platform that puts private data in biological context with highly curated public data. Applications support early-stage research to identify mechanisms of disease, drug targets, and prognostic or predictive biomarkers.
A highly customizable laboratory information management system that allows genomics labs to track samples and manage workflows efficiently and securely.
Easy-to-use cloud-based genomic run management and bioinformatics compute and storage environment for secure, high-performing sequencing operations.
This software provides a user-friendly integrated solution for creating sequencing runs, monitoring run status, and analyzing data.
Accurate, comprehensive, and efficient secondary analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data.
BaseSpace Sequence Hub offers a wide variety of NGS data analysis apps for common Illumina sequencing methods.
A secure, scalable bioinformatics platform for seamless sequencer integration and flexible workflows.
Correlation Engine
An interactive omics knowledgebase that puts private omics data in biological context with highly curated public data.
Partek Flow
Partek Flow software is an easy-to-use bioinformatics platform enabling simplified analysis of next-generation sequencing and large-scale multiomics data in a visual user interface.
Enable high-efficiency data interpretation workflows for rare disease genomics and other germline research applications, with the support of explainable AI and user-configured automation.
treamlined variant interpretation for somatic oncology research applications and beyond.
Identify key biomarkers and discover which genes in signatures provide the best markers for major disease areas, optimal therapeutic targets, and mechanisms of action.
Look for inverse correlations to discover gene–disease compound links that indicate a new purpose for a drug.
Find correlations with signatures from public data or internal data as well as signatures corresponding to biological states or functions, such as pathways to determine mechanisms of action.
Leverage public toxicology studies to evaluate compound signatures and use curated studies or the meta-analysis app to uncover overlaps with other known toxicogenomic signatures.
Illumina provides an innovative portfolio of NGS systems, products, and services for many phases of the drug development pipeline.
Use multiomics profiling to multiply discovery power and better connect genotype to phenotype.
Comprehensive analysis solutions for SARS-CoV-2 surveillance
Accelerate coronavirus detection and identification, perform host response studies, simplify your sample tracking, and contribute to public databases.
Researchers harness the power of the Illumina Correlation Engine
Learn how investigators at the University of Pittsburgh's Health Sciences Library lean on the comprehensive database to accelerate discovery and publication.
Accelerate your journey from omic data to discovery
Quickly correlate and ask questions about your data with Correlation Engine’s 256K curated omics signatures.
Correlate across data types
Novel correlations and associations are quickly identified for a given query, revealing data-driven connections between genes, diseases, compounds, tissues, and pathways.
Body Atlas
Body Atlas provides insights about where a gene is expressed and its expression level within that location.
Disease Atlas
Disease Atlas delivers correlations between diseases, traits, and conditions associated with queried data.
Pharmaco Atlas
Pharmaco Atlas aids in the discovery of compounds, genomic and epigenomic responses to compounds, and treatments associated with queried data.
Meta Analysis
Query with a collection of data signatures to derive a consensus signature or discover correlated biogroups (pathways, functional groups, etc). View results in a downloadable heatmap.
Learn how to examine and quantify the available significant results from across processed studies results represented by the over 189,000 data signatures within Correlation Engine.
Learn how to extract insights from Correlation Engine in 3 common ways.
Try the Correlation Engine literature search application for free.
Explore sophisticated multiomic analysis workflows leveraging Correlation Engine.
Learn how Illumina Correlation Engine, a comprehensive discovery platform can enable you to extract valuable insights from a growing pool of complex omics data.
The Partek Flow data viewer features visualizations with intuitive settings and functionality. Watch this demo and learn how to increase productivity.
RNA expression (RNA-Seq, expression arrays), genotyping/SNP GWAS, DNA protein interaction analysis, somatic mutation analysis, and DNA methylation analysis.
Yes, such knowledge-based signatures are referred to as biogroups in Correlation Engine. Use the Pathway Enrichment app to determine if your bioset is enriched in biogroups corresponding to gene or protein sets from the GO consortium, MSigDB, TargetScan and InterPro.
Correlation Engine recognizes most public and standard commercial platform identifiers, including NCBI Gene IDs, Gene symbols, NCBI accession numbers, ENSEMBL IDs, RefSeq identifiers, IPI IDs, and custom IDs from most Affymetrix, Illumina, Agilent, and GE Healthcare platforms.
Correlation Engine uses proprietary rank-based statistics to compute associations between the data you import and all other experimental data. This allows you to place your experimental results within the context of the world's experiments to validate your results, discover novel associations, and design new experiments. It correlates your data with all biogroups as well, allowing discovery of common features among genes or proteins that comprise your study.
There are over 26,000 studies in Correlation Engine corresponding to over 190,000 public data signatures. Studies in Correlation Engine are updated weekly.
Reach out for more information and/or to access a free 30-day Correlation Engine trial.
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