CoGEN World Congress / 4-5.November, 2022/ Online. Free registration.
Controversies of Preconception, Preimplantation and Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis.
CoGEN is an annual event on prenatal genetic diagnosis organized by Professor Yuval Yaron. This event focuses on trends and perspectives in reproductive health and targets different audiences encompassing Ob/Gyn, MFM, Molecular Biologists, Genetic Counsellors, Cytogeneticists, Lab staff and others.
Illumina’s objective is to create awareness for our NIPT offering and the educational tools we provide to support genetic counselling. As a platinum sponsor, we are hosting an industry symposium where Prof. Peter Bauer, MD, Chief Medical & Genomic Officer & Eini Westenius, PhD, Karolinska Institutet will present on the Clinical use cases of Prenatal Genome Sequencing, joined by Prof.Yuval Yaron for a Q&A session.