
Abstract: High throughput sequencing, combined with a high resolution bioinformatics platform, provides a powerful tool for  researching enteric diseases and for agricultural and environmental applications. Results of a case control study, comprising samples of known and unknown disease etiology, as well as healthy individuals showed the intestinal microbiome could potentially be used in differentiating healthy, diseased, and asymptomatic carriers, as well as individuals in early stages of infection. Other examples include microbiology of wastewater reuse demonstrating the power of metagenomics to identify the microbial community of pathogens, indicator organisms, and natural microbiota to determine the safety of drinking water derived from recycled wastewater. The CosmosID system provides identification to species and strain within minutes, offers information on antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity factors, and provides relative abundance. The system has been used in analyzing over 25,000 samples to date.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Date & Time
14 Dec 2016
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (PST)
North America
Distinguished University Professor University of Maryland Institute of Advanced Computer Studies, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and CosmosID
Rita R. Colwell, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Agrigenomics, Genetic & Rare Diseases, Microbial Genomics
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