
Precision medicine and population health are at the core of value-based health care. Novel genomic technologies are fundamental to transform how we in health care manage our care populations. UCSF Health System recently launched a precision medicine initiative to offer free voluntary whole genome sequencing to all UCSF Health patients. Called the UCSF 3D Health Study (for “Data, Discovery, and Diversity”), this initiative is central to the health system’s long-term goal to ensure equitable precision medicine at UCSF. As part of this initiative, the organization aims to deliver actionable genetic risk factors for selected diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological disease with current clinical guidelines and management options. As its understanding of new monogenic and polygenic risk factors evolves, it intends to expand the clinical utility of the genomic data.

UCSF believes that its experience and current learnings from the program — the most comprehensive program of its kind in the nation —could be instrumental for other health systems to identify the path forward for delivering the best health care to their care populations in an equitable manner, crossing diversity boundaries and including underserved populations.

Attendees Will Learn:

  • The impact of population screening in precision health and the potential outcomes to health systems.
  • The role of genomic technology in allowing equitable access to precision medicine in health care.
  • The benefits of comprehensive genomic datasets towards novel discoveries and new insights for precision medicine and precision health.


Aleksandar Rajkovic, PhD, MD
Chief Genomics Officer
UCSF Health System
San Francisco, Calif.

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Date & Time
6 Apr 2021
9AM to 10AM PST | 11AM to 12PM CST | 12PM to 1PM EST
North America
UCSF Health System
Aleksandar Rajkovic, PhD, MD
Genetic & rare diseases, Reproductive health
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