TruSeq DNA Methylation

TruSeq DNA Methylation

TruSeq DNA Methylation Kit produces whole genome bisulfite sequencing libraries from only 50 ng of genomic DNA. This kit follows a unique "post-bisulfite" library construction method, which yields highly diverse libraries with uniform CpG, CHG, and CHH coverage. The TruSeq DNA Methylation Index kit is needed, even if multiplexing is not used (these oligos are used in PCR and attach the library to the flow cell).

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Project Recommendations*
Species Compatibility Compatible with any species that uses cytosine methylation
Recommended Illumina Instrument NextSeq 500 HiSeq 2500 (Dual Flow Cell) NovaSeq 6000 (Dual Flow Cell)
Recommended Samples per run 1 1–10 6 12 36
Run Mode Mid Output High Output Rapid Run High Output S1 S2 S4
Max Recommended Read Length 2×75 bp 2×75 bp 2×75 bp 2×75 bp 2×100 bp
Recommended Secondary Analysis
  • FASTQ files with 3rd party analysis

* Library prep is compatible with all Illumina instruments. Recommended instruments chosen based on typical output and analysis need for selected application.

† Based on 30× coverage of a human genome.

‡ NovaSeq S1 Reagent Kits are not currently available.