Cancer research

Exposing the Viral Etiology of Cancer

Swedish geneticist using NGS to search for possible link between HPV and non-melanoma skin cancer

Exposing the Viral Etiology of Cancer
20 October 2015

Dr. Emilie Hultin, a geneticist at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, is researching a possible link between human papillomavirus (HPV) and non-melanoma skin cancer. Research has shown that certain types of high-risk HPV viruses are more likely to cause cervical cancer, whereas low-risk HPV viruses are limited to causing genital warts. Because HPV can also infect the skin, Dr. Hultin’s team decided to investigate whether there is a causal link between HPV and non-melanoma skin cancers.

Using Illumina’s HiSeq®, MiSeq®, and NextSeq® Systems, Dr. Hultin’s research continues to focus on identifying viruses associated with human diseases. Dr. Hultin believes that many more types of cancer might have a viral etiology, even if viral infection does not automatically cause cancer down the line. With the help of NGS, she believes researchers will unmask the mystery.

For Dr. Hultin’s full interview, click here.

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