
Human Longevity, Inc. Seeks Genes That Enable a Healthy Life

Builds sequencing capacity for genomics-based medicine

Human Longevity, Inc. Seeks Genes That Enable a Healthy Life
19 December 2014

Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI) believes it can change medical practice and support a shift to a more preventive, genomic-based model of medicine. Located on Road to a Cure in San Diego, California, HLI is looking for cures to treat age-related diseases, as well as solutions to delay the toll that aging takes on the human body. Along the way, HLI will be partnering with universities, research institutes, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology companies.

The company is sequencing samples from thousands of people to understand genetic predisposition, and the impact a person’s genome, epigenome, microbiome, and metabolome have on their health as they grow older. All of the sequencing will be performed by two HiSeq XTM Ten Sequencing Systems running 24/7.

According to chief scientific officer, Dr. Felix Frueh, HLI is currently on track to sequence 40,000 human genomes per year, with a goal of scaling to 100,000 genomes a year.

“Even a year ago, it would have been cost-prohibitive to try to do what we want to do,” Dr. Frueh said. “The sheer size of the facility needed would not have been possible without the arrival of the HiSeq X Ten System.”

Click here to learn more about how HLI plans to use the HiSeq X Ten System in their work.

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