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Preview: Using the iSeq™ 100 Sequencing System for Quality Control

2657 views | 5 years ago

Charlie Johnson, the director of genomics and bioinformatics at Texas A&M AgriLife, discusses how his lab pairs the iSeq™ 100 Sequencing System with the NovaSeq™ 6000 Sequencing System for quality control...

The Clinical Value of NIPT

1448 views | 5 years ago

Learn how noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is making an impact around the world. Hear from the staff at AMES discuss how NIPT, particularly the Illumina VeriSeqTM NIPT solution, has helped meet an...

Understanding variant to function research

4535 views | 5 years ago

Hundreds of thousands of variants have been discovered. We know these variants affect cellular processes and play a part in complex diseases, but we don’t know how. Variant to function (V2F) research...

Expanding the Opportunities for NIPT

1218 views | 5 years ago

Learn how noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is making an impact around the world. Hear from the staff at AMES discuss how NIPT, particularly the Illumina VeriSeqTM NIPT solution, has helped meet an...

A Glimpse of Genomics 101 with Dr. David Bentley

759 views | 5 years ago

David Bentley, Chief Scientist at Illumina, provides an overview of key topics in genomics in this intro video, including the history of genomics, the 100,000 Genomes Project, decoding the cancer genome,...

Genomics 101 with Dr. David Bentley

8887 views | 5 years ago

David Bentley, Chief Scientist at Illumina, discusses key topics on genomics as part of an educational series on Illumina offerings in this 5-part instructional video. Chapter 1: Understanding Genomics...

How do I achieve consistent quantitation? Part 1 | Illumina Video

3116 views | 5 years ago

Why do variations and inconsistencies arise in quantitation for next-generation sequencing? An Illumina Field Applications Scientist discusses the differences in several quantitation methods. Presenter:...

How do I optimize amplicon sequencing data? Part 2 | Illumina

1292 views | 5 years ago

An Illumina Field Applications Scientist discusses best practices for sequencing amplicons on Illumina instruments with high-quality results. We use Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV) to compare key metrics...