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How do I optimize amplicon sequencing data? Part 2 | Illumina

2442 views | 5 years ago

An Illumina Field Applications Scientist discusses best practices for sequencing amplicons on Illumina instruments with high-quality results. We use Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV) to compare key metrics...

How do I achieve consistent quantitation? Part 2 | Illumina Video

1414 views | 5 years ago

In this video, an Illumina Field Applications Scientist lists some tips and tricks for getting more consistent quantitation and shares quantitation success stories from other Illumina users. By the...

How do I achieve consistent quantitation? Part 1 | Illumina Video

6059 views | 5 years ago

Why do variations and inconsistencies arise in quantitation for next-generation sequencing? An Illumina Field Applications Scientist discusses the differences in several quantitation methods. Presenter:...

How do I achieve consistent quantitation? Part 2 | Illumina Video

3521 views | 5 years ago

In this video, an Illumina Field Applications Scientist lists some tips and tricks for getting more consistent quantitation and shares quantitation success stories from other Illumina users. By the...

How to Connect Your iSeq™ 100 Sequencing System to Illumina Proactive

1658 views | 5 years ago

Illumina Proactive is a remote monitoring service that allows our support team to troubleshoot and fix issues when they first arise. Marlem Rivera, a research associate in the Illumina Solutions Center,...

Understanding Genomics with Dr. David Bentley

92 views | 5 years ago

Subscribe to the Illumina video channel A global genomics leader, Illumina provides comprehensive next-generation sequencing solutions...

Sequencing Complex Plant Genomes at Texas A&M AgriLife

3209 views | 5 years ago

Charlie Johnson, Director of Genomics and Bioinformatics at Texas A&M AgriLife, discusses the work his lab is doing with complex plant and animal genomes and how the NovaSeq™ 6000 Sequencing System...

How Genotyping Can Improve Your Herd

2277 views | 5 years ago

Genotyping is quick, easy, and helps farmers make more informed breeding decisions.Learn the basics about genotyping, what kind of information farmers receive about their animals, and how genotyping...