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Manifestology: Deciphering Illumina BeadArray Manifests

1307 views | 4 years ago

In this webinar we discussed what a manifest is, and how GenomeStudio utilizes it to generate data from the intensity information recorded by our scanners. We also reviewed the types of information...

BaseSpace Informatics Suite: Introduction to Cohort Analyzer and Correlation Engine

532 views | 4 years ago

BaseSpace™ Informatics Suite simplifies genomic data management, analysis and reporting using a secure, scalable and open Platform. In this webinar we covered the following topics: overview of Cohort...

BaseSpace Sequence Hub: Command Line Tools for Basic Analysis - Part I

1669 views | 4 years ago

BaseMount and BaseSpace CLI are tools for navigating BaseSpace Sequence Hub accounts through a command line interface. These tools greatly reduce effort when uploading, downloading, and viewing data...

BaseSpace Sequence Hub: Command Line Tools for Basic Analysis - Part II

964 views | 4 years ago

BaseMount and BaseSpace CLI are tools for navigating BaseSpace Sequence Hub accounts through a command line interface. These tools greatly reduce effort when uploading, downloading, and viewing data...

BaseSpace Sequence Hub: Prep Tab - the Illumina Cloud-Based Solution for Managing Samples

313 views | 4 years ago

In this webinar we discuss the basic functionalities of Prep Tab such has creating and importing biological samples, creating custom library prep kits, importing libraries, highlight differences between...

Bcl2Fastq v2+: Introduction

4993 views | 4 years ago

Bcl2Fastq is a Linux-based software that converts base call files generated from an Illumina sequencing run to FASTQ files as well as demultiplex samples. This webinar focuses on Bcl2fastq v2+ and is...

Illumina DRAGEN Bio-IT Platform: Ultra-Rapid Analysis of Next-Generation Data

3174 views | 4 years ago

The Illumina DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) Bio-IT Platform utilizes Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware in combination with efficiently written software to provide highly-accurate...

RNA Sequencing: Part III - Introduction to Analysis

3274 views | 4 years ago

Part 3 of a 3-Part RNA-Seq Webinar Series. In this webinar, we discuss the RNA-Seq analysis options available on BaseSpace including the RNA-Seq Alignment/Cufflinks, TopHat/Cufflinks, and RNA Express...