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Illumina Advances Genomic Research with the Infinium Assay

23752 views | 1 decade ago

Our species, who we are, how we are built, all of this is embedded in our genetic code. By understanding genetic variation, we understand more about human health and disease. The Infinium Assay helps...

Agriculture Capabilities

253 views | 1 decade ago

Scalable. Reliable. Flexible. Illumina has the most extensive toolset available for a wide variety of agrigenomics applications and species. Generate industry-leading data quality. Breed success. Harvest...

Illumina MiSeq Workflow Overview

15510 views | 1 decade ago

Automated, on-instrument data analysis workflows help researchers to take their research further.
 MiSeq is the only personal sequencer capable of producing paired-end reads, and it puts the largest...

llumina HiScanSQ System -- the Power of Arrays and Sequencing in a Single Platform

1312 views | 1 decade ago

HiScanSQ integrates two proven Illumina technologies, arrays and sequencing, into one powerful platform. The two technologies have catalyzed a multitude of ground-breaking discoveries in trait and disease...

Illumina Arrays: Next-Gen GWAS Now

5797 views | 1 decade ago

Next-generation GWAS requires next-generation genotyping tools. Illumina offers a range of genotyping array options to fit any study, any budget. We show you how.

Customer Experience with the NextSeq™ 2000 in Slovakia

2237 views | 1 year ago

Dr Tomas Szemes of Comenius University Science Park, in Slovakia, brought the NextSeq™ 2000 into his lab to help his team manage the increase in throughput needed to support the Slovakian national SarsCoV2...

Customer Experience with the NextSeq™ 2000 in Hungary

2071 views | 1 year ago

Dr Csaba Bodor, of Semmelweis University in Hungary brought a NextSeq™ 2000 into his lab to support the increasing throughput of his laboratory, which has dramatically increased during the last couple...

Advancing Cancer Research with Multiomics

1573 views | 1 year ago

Learn how researchers at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and United Health Network are linking the causes and consequences of complex phenotypes through multiomics to enable discoveries that...