Achieve outstanding insights in record time with a unified chromosomal analysis solution


Understanding chromosome aberrations through cytogenetic analysis is an integral part of current genomic medicine, playing a role in research into both constitutional disorders and cancer.

Chromosomal abnormalities, including aneuploidies, deletions, duplications, and rearrangements, may result in misregulation of gene expression or generation of novel proteins.

At Illumina, we collaborate with industry experts, thought leaders, and customers to develop solutions to meet your evolving research needs. 

cytogenomics chromosomal abberations

Cytogenomic microarrays offer a simple, reliable method for assessing chromosomal aberrations and their biological relevance at a higher resolution. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) also offers detection capabilities that complement arrays by providing researchers with a genome-wide view of chromosomal variation.

Illumina offers high-quality microarrays and high-throughput array scanners designed to detect chromosome aberrations and provide accurate, reliable cytogenomic data. The iScan System features rapid scan times, exceptional data quality, automation options to reduce hands-on time, and support for a variety of applications.

View iScan System

Analyzing and interpreting your microarray data can be a time-intensive manual process. To help labs address this, Illumina offers Emedgene software—a comprehensive research software designed by geneticists to streamline interpretation workflows and reduce the variant curation burden.

Emedgene software is powered by explainable AI (XAI) and automation for high-throughput, user-defined variant interpretation workflows. Emedgene enables:

  • Visualization at the variant, chromosome, and genome-wide level
  • Automated accessioning/reporting
  • The ability to leverage curated and historical data
View Emedgene software

Featured Cytogenomics Research Stories

Exploring variants of unknown significance with cytogenetic microarrays

Dr. Benjamin Darbro discusses his research using a wide range of cytogenetic tools, including microarrays, DNA sequencing, FISH, and bioinformatic analysis to explore gene networks involved in neurodevelopmental disorders.

Validation and performance of the Infinium Global Diversity Array with Cytogenetics

In this webinar, Dr. Benjamin Darbro, associate professor at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, discusses how the Infinium Global Diversity Array with Cytogenetics (GDA+Cyto) excels at the detection of CNVs and ROHs relevant for clinical research testing.

Cytogenetic Testing Offers Insights into Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Trilochan Sahoo, MD discusses the benefits of the CytoSNP-850K BeadChip for cytogenetics researchers.

Why Cytogeneticists Are Using NGS with FISH

NGS can save time and money while enabling you to meet best practices for analyzing samples with unknown abnormalities.

View Infographic
Cytogenetics Infographic

Genomic Technologies for Cytogenetics

Parameter FISH Karyotyping Arrays NGS
(large gene panel)
(whole genome)
Whole-Genome View No Yes Yes No Yes
Resolution > 50 kb > 5 Mb < 1 kb 1 base pair 1 base pair
Aneuploidy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unbalanced Translocation Yes, if known Yes, if large Yes Yesa Yes
Balanced Translocation or Inversion Yes, if known Yes No No Yes
Mosaicism Yes Yes Yes, if 20% of cells present Yes Yes
Polyploidy Yes (indirect) Yes Yes (SNP arrays only) Yes Yes
UPD No No Yes (SNP arrays only) Yesb Yes
Copy-Neutral LOH No No Yes (SNP arrays only) No Yes
SNVs No No No Yes Yes
Gene Fusions Yes No Yes, if unbalanced
No, if balanced
Yes Yes

Using arrays and NGS to complement traditional methods, cytogeneticists can obtain a comprehensive view of genetic abnormalities, both large and small.2

  1. Yes, if branch points are targeted.
  2. Yes, if both parents are analyzed.
  • Infinium CytoSNP-850K v1.4 BeadChip: This array provides comprehensive coverage of cytogenetically relevant genes for congenital disorders and cancer research.
  • BlueFuse Multi Software: This intuitive software analyzes array-based molecular cytogenetic and in vitro fertilization (IVF) data as well as NGS-based IVF data.  It offers a clear user interface and scales for the needs of your lab. 
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Novel Fusions and Pharmacogenomic Targets in Cancer
Novel Fusions and Pharmacogenomic Targets in Cancer

Learn about the optimization and validation of commercially available clinical NGS assays.

View Webinar
Arrays and NGS for Chromosomal Studies
Chromosomal Genetics Studies with Arrays and NGS

Laboratory adopts the newest technologies to analyze chromosomal abnormalities and their connection to disease.

Read Interview
NGS Complements Traditional Cytogenetic Methods
NGS Complements Traditional Cytogenetic Methods

Genomic analysis of tumors provides comprehensive detection of genetic abnormalities.

Read Article
Cytogenetics Expert Interview
Cytogenetics Expert Interview

Trilochan Sahoo, MD discusses the benefits of the CytoSNP-850K BeadChip for cytogenetics researchers.

Read Interview
One System for NGS and Arrays
One System for NGS and Arrays

Perform sequencing and high-quality cytogenomic array scanning, all on the NextSeq 550 System.

Read Data Sheet
Transform Your Research with NGS
Transform Your Research with NGS

Find out more about how NGS technology works and what it can do for you.

Learn More
  1. PROFOUND. Molecular Cytogenetics (FISH, Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization, Array-Based). Rep. no. 271067. N.p.: Global Industry Analysts, 2016. Print.
  2. Halder A, Jain M. Cytogenetics to cytogenomics: transition from chromosome to DNA sequence. Global Journal of Human Genetics & Gene Therapy 2014;2:53-67.