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Using Minfi to Identify Differentially Methylated Regions with the HM450 Array with Kasper Hansen

3211 views | 3 years ago

Kasper Daniel Hansen, Ph.D. from the McKusick-Nathans Institute for Genetic Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, discusses Minfi‒a bioconductor package for the analysis of Infinium HumanMethylation450...

A Data-Driven Approach to Preprocessing Illumina 450K with Chloe Wong

1074 views | 3 years ago

Chloe Wong, Ph.D., from MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre at King's College London, discusses the development of her team's wateRmelon R package for the analysis of Infinium HumanMethylation450...

Marmal-Aid: A New Bioninformatic Tool for the Meta-Analysis of Illumina HM450 Data with Robert Lowe

674 views | 3 years ago

Robert Lowe, Ph.D., from Barts and London School of Medicine and Dentistry, discusses the development of Marmal-Aid, a bioinformatics tool that enables analysis of differentially methylated probes identified...

Illumina 450K Bead Arrays: A New Chip Analysis Methyation Pipepline (ChAMP) with Tiffany Morris

5217 views | 3 years ago

Tiffany Morris, Ph.D., Medical Genomics at the UCL Cancer Institute, discusses the features of the New ChAMP 450K array analysis pipeline, which combines analysis tools in an easy-to-use R package.

Leveraging Hidden Information to Correct for Background Fluorescence with Kim Siegmund

707 views | 3 years ago

Kim Siegmund, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Biostatistics Division, Department of Preventative Medicine at the USC Keck School of Medicine, discusses background correction methods for Illumina HumanMethylation450...

Implementing Illumina NGS is a lot easier than you think!

1019 views | 3 years ago

Viromics laboratory lead Scientist Dr John-Sebastian Eden from the Westmead Institute for Medical Research has brought his sequencing projects in-house. This video tells us why and how he decided on...

COVIDSeq™ Test -How We Are Fighting The Pandemic

2170 views | 3 years ago

A big thank you to our employees who collaborated deeply to create the COVIDSeq™ Test in record time. From idea to an Emergency Use Authorization submission in just 45 days. At its peak, this project...

Sequencing Data Analysis: Introduction to Key Concepts

11494 views | 3 years ago

This webinar is intended to introduce key data analysis and bioinformatics concepts used in analysis of Illumina sequencing data. This webinar is targeted for those that are new or intermediate to Illumina...