NovaSeq X Series specifications

A new standard for high-throughput sequencing

Next-level sequencing output, sample throughput, and specifications for the NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus Systems

NovaSeq X Series render

Output per flow cell for various read lengths*

NovaSeq X Series

Flow cell type 1.5B 10B 25B
2 × 50 bp ~165 Gb ~1 Tb ~2.6 Tb
2 × 100 bp ~330 Gb ~2 Tb ~5.3 Tb
2 × 150 bp ~500 Gb ~3 Tb ~8 Tb

* Specifications based on Illumina PhiX control library or a TruSeq DNA Library created with NA12878 at supported cluster densities. 
NovaSeq X Plus system is capable of single flow cell runs or dual flow cell runs. Dual flow cell run delivers twice the output listed above. 
NovaSeq X system is capable of single flow cell runs.

This kit requires system software v1.3 or newer.

Reads passing filter per flow cell

NovaSeq X Series

Flow cell type 1.5B 10B 25B
Single-end reads 1.6 billion 10 billion 26 billion
Paired-end reads 3.2 billion 20 billion 52 billion

Quality scores* and run time

NovaSeq X Series

Flow Cell Type
1.5B 10B 25B
Quality Scores  
2 × 50 bp ≥ 90% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 100 bp ≥ 85% of bases higher than Q30
2 × 150 bp ≥ 85% of bases higher than Q30
Run Time  
2 × 50 bp ~17 hr ~18 hr ~25 hr ††
2 × 100 bp ~20 hr ~22 hr ~38 hr ††
2 × 150 bp ~23 hr ~25 hr ~48 hr

* A quality score (Q-score) is a prediction of the probability of an error in base calling. The percentage of bases > Q30 is averaged across the entire run. Quality scores are based on NovaSeq X series 10B reagents using an Illumina PhiX control library. Performance may vary based on library type and quality, insert size, loading concentration, and other experimental factors.
† Run time includes automated cluster generation, sequencing, automated post-run wash, and base calling. Run times are based on Illumina PhiX control library at supported cluster densities. Performance may vary based on library type and quality, insert size, loading concentration, and other experimental factors.

†† This kit requires system software v1.3 or newer.

Estimated sample throughput for key applications*

NovaSeq X Series

Flow cell type 1.5B 10B 25B
Human genomes per flow cell ~4 ~24 ~64
Exomes per flow cell ~41 ~250 ~750
Transcriptomes per flow cell ~30 ~200 ~520

*All sample throughputs are estimates per single flow cell run. Human genomes assumes > 120 Gb of data per sample to achieve 30× genome coverage. Exomes assumes ~8 Gb or ~40M reads per sample to achieve 100x coverage. Transcriptomes assumes ≥ 50M reads. Throughput may vary based on many factors including exome panel size, depth required, and library preparation kit used.

Instrument specifications

NovaSeq X specifications
  • Laser wavelengths
    532 nm, 457 nm, 655 nm
  • Dimension with monitor
    W × D × H
    86.4 cm × 93.3 cm × 158.8 cm
    (34 in × 36.7 in × 62.5 in)
  • Dry weight of instrument
    (not including UPS; no core consumables)
    1171 lb
  • Dry weight of instrument
    (including UPS; no core consumables)
    1253 lb
  • Wet weight of instrument
    (not including UPS; loaded with core consumables)
    1296 lb
  • Crated weight of instrument
    1591 lb (722 kg)
  • Accessories pallet weight
    525 lb (238 kg)

Innovation powers the NovaSeq X Series

Go on a virtual tour of the many innovations in the NovaSeq X Series and an overview of XLEAP-SBS chemistry. Learn about the integrated bioinformatics, reduced data footprint, lyophilized reagents, and other innovations.

Breakthrough technology innovations delivering a leap forward in sequencing